Exact Match:
- expert
- a person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully
- Admirable Crichton,
- Daedalian,
- Dutch uncle,
- Polonius,
- accomplished,
- ace,
- acquainted with,
- adept,
- adept in,
- admonisher,
- adroit,
- adviser,
- aficionado,
- amateur,
- apt,
- arbiter,
- arbiter elegantiarum,
- arbiter of taste,
- archetypical,
- artisan,
- artist,
- artiste,
- artistic,
- at home in,
- at home with,
- attache,
- au fait,
- authoritative,
- authority,
- backseat driver,
- bon vivant,
- bravura,
- brilliant,
- buff,
- buttinsky,
- championship,
- classic,
- clean,
- clever,
- cognoscente,
- collector,
- confidant,
- confined,
- connaisseur,
- connoisseur,
- consultant,
- consummate,
- conversant with,
- coordinated,
- cordon bleu,
- counsel,
- counselor,
- crack,
- crack shot,
- crackerjack,
- craftsman,
- critic,
- cunning,
- cute,
- dab,
- dabster,
- daedal,
- darb,
- dead shot,
- deft,
- developed,
- dexterous,
- dextrous,
- dilettante,
- diplomat,
- diplomatic,
- diplomatist,
- doyen,
- elder statesman,
- epicure,
- epicurean,
- excellent,
- exemplary,
- experienced,
- experienced hand,
- experimental scientist,
- expert at,
- expert consultant,
- familiar with,
- fan,
- fancy,
- feature,
- featured,
- finished,
- first-rate,
- freak,
- fully developed,
- good,
- good at,
- good judge,
- goodish,
- gourmand,
- gourmet,
- graceful,
- graduate,
- guide,
- handy,
- handy at,
- handy man,
- informed in,
- ingenious,
- instructor,
- intellectual,
- intimate with,
- journeyman,
- judge,
- kibitzer,
- knowledgeable,
- learned,
- limited,
- magisterial,
- man of science,
- marksman,
- master,
- master of,
- masterful,
- masterly,
- mature,
- matured,
- maven,
- meddler,
- mentor,
- model,
- monitor,
- neat,
- nestor,
- no mean,
- no slouch,
- nut,
- orienter,
- past master,
- perfected,
- polished,
- politic,
- politician,
- practical scientist,
- preceptist,
- pro,
- professional,
- professor,
- proficient,
- proficient in,
- pundit,
- qualified,
- quick,
- quintessential,
- quite some,
- ready,
- refined,
- refined palate,
- resourceful,
- restricted,
- ripe,
- ripened,
- savant,
- scholar,
- schooled,
- scientist,
- shark,
- sharp,
- skilled,
- skilled in,
- skillful,
- slick,
- some,
- specialist,
- specialistic,
- specialized,
- statesman,
- statesmanlike,
- strong in,
- stylish,
- superb,
- superior,
- swell,
- tactful,
- teacher,
- technical,
- technical adviser,
- technical expert,
- technician,
- technologist,
- the compleat,
- the complete,
- top-notch,
- trained,
- up on,
- versed in,
- virtuoso,
- well up on,
- well-done,
- well-read in,
- well-versed,
- whiz,
- wizard,
- wonderful,
- workmanlike