the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "he gave me an assist with the housework"; "could not walk without assistance"; "rescue party went to their aid"; "offered his help in unloading"
a resource; "visual aids in teaching"; "economic assistance to depressed areas"
a gift of money to support a worthy person or cause
a member of an ancient Jewish sect in Judea in the first century who fought to the death against the Romans and who killed or persecuted Jews who collaborated with the Romans
the size of something as given by the distance around it
the length of the closed curve of a circle
the boundary line encompassing an area or object; "he had walked the full circumference of his land"; "a danger to all races over the whole circumference of the globe"
(medicine) the act of caring for someone (as by medication or remedial training etc.); "the quarterback is undergoing treatment for a knee injury"; "he tried every treatment the doctors suggested"; "heat therapy gave the best relief"
improve the condition of; "These pills will help the patient"
improve; change for the better; "New slipcovers will help the old living room furniture"
give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table?"; "She never helps around the house"
contribute to the furtherance of; "This money will help the development of literacy in developing countries"