the words of something written; "there were more than a thousand words of text"; "they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech"; "he wants to reconstruct the original text"
the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.); "pictures made the text easier to understand"
a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon; "the preacher chose a text from Psalms to introduce his sermon"
the quality of taking advantage; "she turned her writing skills to good account"
importance or value; "a person of considerable account"; "he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance"
a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month"
a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services; "he asked to see the executive who handled his account"
furnish a justifying analysis or explanation; "I can't account for the missing money"
keep an account of
be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something; "Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam"
the title of a newspaper or magazine; usually printed on the front page and on the editorial page
a listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the editorial page) that gives the name of the publication and the names of the editorial staff, etc.
something that is read; "the article was a very good read"
to hear and understand; "I read you loud and clear!"
interpret something that is written or printed; "read the advertisement"; "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"
look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed; "The King will read the proclamation at noon"
interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior; "She read the sky and predicted rain"; "I can't read his strange behavior"; "The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball"
obtain data from magnetic tapes; "This dictionary can be read by the computer"
indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"; "The gauge read `empty'"
audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role; "He is auditioning for `Julius Caesar' at Stratford this year"
have or contain a certain wording or form; "The passage reads as follows"; "What does the law say?"
a close affectionate and protective acceptance; "his willing embrace of new ideas"; "in the bosom of the family"
the act of clasping another person in the arms (as in greeting or affection)
the state of taking in or encircling; "an island in the embrace of the sea"
squeeze (someone) tightly in your arms, usually with fondness; "Hug me, please"; "They embraced"; "He hugged her close to him"
include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory; "This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds"; "this should cover everyone in the group"