the act of folding; "he gave the napkins a double fold"
a pen for sheep
a folded part (as in skin or muscle)
a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock
an angular or rounded shape made by folding; "a fold in the napkin"; "a crease in his trousers"; "a plication on her blouse"; "a flexure of the colon"; "a bend of his elbow"
incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating; "Fold the egg whites into the batter"
become folded or folded up; "The bed folds in a jiffy"
bend or lay so that one part covers the other; "fold up the newspaper"; "turn up your collar"
the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed
belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events; "objective benefits"; "an objective example"; "there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind"
undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena; "an objective appraisal"; "objective evidence"
emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation; "objective art"
serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes; "objective case"; "accusative endings"
a thin coating or layer; "the table was covered with a film of dust"
photographic material consisting of a base of celluloid covered with a photographic emulsion; used to make negatives or transparencies
a thin sheet of (usually plastic and usually transparent) material used to wrap or cover things
a medium that disseminates moving pictures; "theater pieces transferred to celluloid"; "this story would be good cinema"; "film coverage of sporting events"
make a film or photograph of something; "take a scene"; "shoot a movie"
a paste-up made by sticking together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image; "he used his computer to make a collage of pictures superimposed on a map"
any collection of diverse things; "a collage of memories"