come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; "I feel that he doesn't like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"; "I found the movie rather entertaining"
succeed in reaching; arrive at; "The arrow found its mark"
perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place; "I found myself in a difficult situation"; "When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital room"
obtain through effort or management; "She found the time and energy to take care of her aging parents"; "We found the money to send our sons to college"
come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"
come upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost; "Did you find your glasses?"; "I cannot find my gloves!"
without deviation; "the path leads directly to the lake"; "went direct to the office"
in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly; "he didn't answer directly"; "told me straight out"; "came out flat for less work and more pay"
without anyone or anything intervening; "these two factors are directly related"; "he was directly responsible"; "measured the physical properties directly"
formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure; "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She abjured her beliefs"
a steady advance; "the march of science"; "the march of time"
the act of marching; walking with regular steps (especially in a procession of some kind); "it was a long march"; "we heard the sound of marching"
a procession of people walking together; "the march went up Fifth Avenue"
the month following February and preceding April
walk fast, with regular or measured steps; walk with a stride; "He marched into the classroom and announced the exam"; "The soldiers marched across the border"
march in a procession; "They processed into the dining room"
force to march; "The Japanese marched their prisoners through Manchuria"
cause to march or go at a marching pace; "They marched the mules into the desert"
prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"
prevent from entering; shut out; "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"; "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country"
lack or fail to include; "The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages"
a verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking
something presented as a gift; "his tie was a present from his wife"
the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech; "that is enough for the present"; "he lives in the present with no thought of tomorrow"
spatial sense; being or existing in a specified place; "the murderer is present in this room"; "present at the wedding"; "present at the creation"
bring forward and present to the mind; "We presented the arguments to him"; "We cannot represent this knowledge to our formal reason"
formally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.