a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude; "without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor"; "don't argue about shades of meaning"
(chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things (two objects or liquids or chemical phases)
(computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals)
the overlap where two theories or phenomena affect each other or have links with each other; "the interface between chemistry and biology"
(computer science) a program that controls a display for the user (usually on a computer monitor) and that allows the user to interact with the system
accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority; "The Crown Prince was acknowledged as the true heir to the throne"; "We do not recognize your gods"
accept as legally binding and valid; "acknowledge the deed"
express obligation, thanks, or gratitude for; "We must acknowledge the kindness she showed towards us"
report the receipt of; "The program committee acknowledged the submission of the authors of the paper"