- administer,
- advise,
- advocate,
- apply,
- appoint,
- assign,
- authorize,
- be responsible for,
- bestow,
- brief,
- call the signals,
- captain,
- carry on,
- choose,
- coach,
- command,
- conduct,
- confer,
- constitute,
- constrain,
- consult with,
- control,
- counsel,
- cure,
- decide,
- declare lawful,
- decree,
- define,
- demand,
- determine,
- dictate,
- direct,
- dose,
- dose with,
- enact,
- enforce upon,
- engineer,
- enjoin,
- establish,
- exact,
- fix,
- force,
- force upon,
- formulate,
- give,
- govern,
- guide,
- handle,
- head,
- head up,
- impose,
- instruct,
- kibitz,
- lay down,
- lay on,
- lead,
- lead on,
- legalize,
- legislate,
- legitimate,
- legitimatize,
- legitimize,
- make a regulation,
- make legal,
- make obligatory,
- make the rules,
- manage,
- maneuver,
- manipulate,
- mastermind,
- meddle,
- mete out to,
- officer,
- ordain,
- order,
- pick out,
- prescribe for,
- propose,
- pull the strings,
- put in force,
- put on,
- put upon,
- quarterback,
- recommend,
- regulate,
- remedy,
- require,
- rule,
- run,
- sanction,
- select,
- set,
- set down,
- settle,
- skipper,
- specify,
- stipulate,
- submit,
- suggest,
- take command,
- take the lead,
- treat,
- validate