total debits and credits are equal; "the books looked balanced"
being in a state of proper balance or equilibrium; "the carefully balanced seesaw"; "a properly balanced symphony orchestra"; "a balanced assessment of intellectual and cultural history"; "a balanced blend of whiskeys"; "the educated man shows a balanced development of all his powers"
a greeting or reception; "the proposal got a warm welcome"
the state of being welcome; "don't outstay your welcome"
giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted; "a welcome relief"; "a welcome guest"; "made the children feel welcome"; "you are welcome to join us"
(sentence connectors) because of the reason given; "consequently, he didn't do it"; "continued to have severe headaches and accordingly returned to the doctor"
as a consequence; "he had good reason to be grateful for the opportunities which they had made available to him and which consequently led to the good position he now held"
report or maintain; "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime"; "He said it was too late to intervene in the war"; "The registrar says that I owe the school money"
being full of or promoting cheer; having or showing good spirits; "her cheerful nature"; "a cheerful greeting"; "a cheerful room"; "as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be"