cartilaginous fishes having horizontally flattened bodies and enlarged winglike pectoral fins with gills on the underside; most swim by moving the pectoral fins
any of the stiff bony rods in the fin of a fish
a branch of an umbel or an umbelliform inflorescence
(mathematics) a straight line extending from a point
emit as rays; "That tower rays a laser beam for miles across the sky"
a feeling of considerable warmth; "the glow of new love"; "a glow of regret"
a steady even light without flames
experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion; "She was beaming with joy"; "Her face radiated with happiness"
be exuberant or high-spirited; "Make the people's hearts glow"
emit a steady even light without flames; "The fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden"
have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink; "Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna"
a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification; "red flashes adorned the airplane"; "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"
a momentary brightness
a sudden brilliant understanding; "he had a flash of intuition"
a short vivid experience; "a flash of emotion swept over him"; "the flashings of pain were a warning"
a sudden intense burst of radiant energy
appear briefly; "The headlines flashed on the screen"
emit a brief burst of light; "A shooting star flashed and was gone"
make known or cause to appear with great speed; "The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"
protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal; "flash the roof"
expose or show briefly; "he flashed a $100 bill"
gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing"
conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal; "serve wine at normal room temperature"; "normal diplomatic relations"; "normal working hours"; "normal word order"; "normal curiosity"; "the normal course of events"
being approximately average or within certain limits in e.g. intelligence and development; "a perfectly normal child"; "of normal intelligence"; "the most normal person I've ever met"
used of values and principles; not subject to change; steady; "undeviating loyalty"
going directly ahead from one point to another without veering or turning aside; "some people see evolution as an undeviating upward march from simple organisms to the very complex"; "a straight and narrow tree-lined road unswerving across the lowlands"