done or made or performed with purpose and intent; " more than the deliberate and designed creation"- Havelock Ellis; "games designed for all ages"; "well-designed houses"
planned or created in an artistic or skilled manner; "a beautifully designed dress"; "some Italian designed sandals have cushioning"
a product of your creative thinking and work; "he had little respect for the inspirations of other artists"; "after years of work his brainchild was a tangible reality"
a sudden intuition as part of solving a problem
arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity
the flash of light that accompanies an electric discharge in the atmosphere (or something resembling such a flash); can scintillate for a second or more
abrupt electric discharge from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of light
a board game in which players try to gain a monopoly on real estate as pieces advance around the board according to the throw of a die
exclusive control or possession of something; "They have no monopoly on intelligence"
(economics) a market in which there are many buyers but only one seller; "a monopoly on silver"; "when you have a monopoly you can ask any price you like"
in addition; "agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond"
farther along in space or time or degree; "through the valley and beyond"; "to the eighth grade but not beyond"; "will be influential in the 1990s and beyond"
on the farther side from the observer; "a pond with a hayfield beyond"