make fit or prepared; "Your education qualifies you for this job"
describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover"
pronounce fit or able; "She was qualified to run the marathon"; "They nurses were qualified to administer the injections"
a cataclysm resulting from a destructive sea wave caused by an earthquake or volcanic eruption; "a colossal tsunami destroyed the Minoan civilization in minutes"
an obvious change of public opinion or political sentiment that occurs without leadership or overt expression; "there was a ground swell of antiwar sentiment"
offensive to good taste especially in sexual matters; "an earthy but not indecent story"; "an indecent gesture"
offending against sexual mores in conduct or appearance; "a bathing suit considered indecent by local standards"
not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society; "was buried with indecent haste"; "indecorous behavior"; "language unbecoming to a lady"; "unseemly to use profanity"; "moved to curb their untoward ribaldry"
a damaging piece of work; "dry rot did the job of destroying the barn"; "the barber did a real job on my hair"
the performance of a piece of work; "she did an outstanding job as Ophelia"; "he gave it up as a bad job"
the responsibility to do something; "it is their job to print the truth"
a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee; "estimates of the city's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars"; "the job of repairing the engine took several hours"; "the endless task of classifying the samples"; "the farmer's morning chores"
a workplace; as in the expression "on the job";
an object worked on; a result produced by working; "he held the job in his left hand and worked on it with his right"
a book in the Old Testament containing Job's pleas to God about his afflictions and God's reply
(computer science) a program application that may consist of several steps but is a single logical unit
any long-suffering person who withstands affliction without despairing
a Jewish hero in the Old Testament who maintained his faith in God in spite of afflictions that tested him
work occasionally; "As a student I jobbed during the semester breaks"
profit privately from public office and official business
characterized by oppressive heat and humidity; "the summer was sultry and oppressive"; "the stifling atmosphere"; "the sulfurous atmosphere preceding a thunderstorm"
the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan); "he contributed to the design of a new instrument"
a decorative or artistic work; "the coach had a design on the doors"
a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something; "the design of a building"
an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests"
intend or have as a purpose; "She designed to go far in the world of business"
design something for a specific role or purpose or effect; "This room is not designed for work"
conceive or fashion in the mind; invent; "She designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day"
make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form; "design a better mousetrap"; "plan the new wing of the museum"
create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner; "Chanel designed the famous suit"
create designs; "Dupont designs for the house of Chanel"