a strong feeling of anxiety; "his worry over the prospect of being fired"; "it is not work but worry that kills"; "he wanted to die and end his troubles"
touch or rub constantly; "The old man worried his beads"
lacerate by biting; "the dog worried his bone"
disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress; "I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me"
be concerned with; "I worry about my grades"
be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy; "I worry about my job"
the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained; "the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture"
the most important or necessary part of something; "the basis of this drink is orange juice"
practicing great self-denial; "Be systematically ascetic...do...something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it"- William James; "a desert nomad's austere life"; "a spartan diet"; "a spartan existence"
pertaining to or characteristic of an ascetic or the practice of rigorous self-discipline; "ascetic practices"
a gradual decrease; as of stored charge or current
the process of gradually becoming inferior
the spontaneous disintegration of a radioactive substance along with the emission of ionizing radiation
an inferior state resulting from the process of decaying; "the corpse was in an advanced state of decay"; "the house had fallen into a serious state of decay and disrepair"
fall into decay or ruin; "The unoccupied house started to decay"
undergo decay or decomposition; "The body started to decay and needed to be cremated"
a streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode
the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience; "the gist of the prosecutor's argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"; "the nub of the story"
a single whole grain of a cereal; "a kernel of corn"
the inner and usually edible part of a seed or grain or nut or fruit stone; "black walnut kernels are difficult to get out of the shell"
a question raised for consideration or solution; "our homework consisted of ten problems to solve"
a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved; "she and her husband are having problems"; "it is always a job to contact him"; "urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog"