a grant (by a sovereign or a legislative body) of resources to maintain a dependent member of a ruling family; "bishoprics were received as appanages for the younger sons of great families"
any customary and rightful perquisite appropriate to your station in life; "for thousands of years the chair was an appanage of state and dignity rather than an article of ordinary use"
clearly characterized or delimited; "lost in a maze of words both defined and undefined"; "each child has clearly defined duties"
clearly defined; "I have no formed opinion about the chances of success"
showing clearly the outline or profile or boundary; "hills defined against the evening sky"; "the setting sun showed the outlined figure of a man standing on the hill"
the idea that is intended; "What is the meaning of this proverb?"
the message that is intended or expressed or signified; "what is the meaning of this sentence"; "the significance of a red traffic light"; "the signification of Chinese characters"; "the import of his announcement was ambiguous"
beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote; "a suggestion ulterior to the present discussion"; "without...any purpose, immediate or ulterior"- G.B.Shaw
the spatial property of the position from which something is observed
a mental position from which things are viewed; "we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians"; "teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events"
the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people; "the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English"; "he has a strong German accent"; "it has been said that a language is a dialect with an army and navy"
a successful attempt at scoring; "the winning goal came with less than a minute left to play"
game equipment consisting of the place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points
the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve and that (when achieved) terminates behavior intended to achieve it; "the ends justify the means"
the text of a popular song or musical-comedy number; "his compositions always started with the lyrics"; "he wrote both words and music"; "the song uses colloquial language"
expressing deep personal emotion; "the dancer's lyrical performance"
used of a singer or singing voice that is light in volume and modest in range; "a lyric soprano"
of or relating to a category of poetry that expresses emotion (often in a songlike way); "lyric poetry"
relating to or being musical drama; "the lyric stage"
an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions; "his intent was to provide a new translation"; "good intentions are not enough"; "it was created with the conscious aim of answering immediate needs"; "he made no secret of his designs"
reach a decision; "he resolved never to drink again"
the power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.); "they said nothing of great interest"; "primary colors can add interest to a room"
a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something; "an interest in music"
(usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims; "the iron interests stepped up production"
(law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something; "they have interests all over the world"; "a stake in the company's future"
a fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed; "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage?"
a medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease; "quinine is a specific for malaria"
stated explicitly or in detail; "needed a specific amount"
(sometimes followed by `to') applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique; "rules with specific application"; "demands specific to the job"; "a specific and detailed account of the accident"
being or affecting a disease produced by a particular microorganism or condition; used also of stains or dyes used in making microscope slides; "quinine is highly specific for malaria"; "a specific remedy"; "a specific stain is one having a specific affinity for particular structural elements"
relating to or distinguishing or constituting a taxonomic species; "specific characters"
(law) a conditional release from imprisonment that entitles the person to serve the remainder of the sentence outside the prison as long as the terms of release are complied with
a promise; "he gave his word"
release a criminal from detention and place him on parole; "The prisoner was paroled after serving 10 years in prison"