Exact Match:
- publisher
- a firm in the publishing business
- a person engaged in publishing periodicals or books or music
- the proprietor of a newspaper
- adviser,
- announcer,
- annunciator,
- authority,
- bibliognost,
- bibliographer,
- biblioklept,
- bibliolater,
- bibliomane,
- bibliomaniac,
- bibliopegist,
- bibliophage,
- bibliophile,
- bibliopole,
- bibliopolist,
- bibliotaph,
- bibliothec,
- bibliothecaire,
- bibliothecary,
- book agent,
- book collector,
- book printer,
- book publisher,
- book salesman,
- book-stealer,
- bookbinder,
- bookdealer,
- booklover,
- bookmaker,
- bookman,
- bookseller,
- bookworm,
- cataloger,
- channel,
- chief librarian,
- college editor,
- communicant,
- communicator,
- copy editor,
- curator,
- dictionary editor,
- editor,
- editor-in-chief,
- enlightener,
- executive editor,
- expert witness,
- gossipmonger,
- grapevine,
- informant,
- information center,
- information medium,
- informer,
- interviewee,
- juvenile editor,
- librarian,
- library director,
- managing editor,
- monitor,
- mouthpiece,
- newsmonger,
- notifier,
- permissions editor,
- philobiblist,
- press,
- printer,
- production editor,
- public relations officer,
- radio,
- reference editor,
- reference librarian,
- reporter,
- source,
- spokesman,
- television,
- teller,
- textbook editor,
- tipster,
- tout,
- trade editor,
- witness