not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship; "what a cushy job!"; "the easygoing life of a parttime consultant"; "a soft job"
a game in which one child bends down and another leaps over
advancing as if in the child's game, by leaping over obstacles or competitors; "the company still believes the chip is a leapfrog in integration and will pay huge dividends"
progress by large jumps instead of small increments
a telecommunication system that transmits images of objects (stationary or moving) between distant points
broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects; "she is a star of screen and video"; "Television is a medium because it is neither rare nor well done" - Ernie Kovacs
status established in order of importance or urgency; "...its precedence as the world's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals"; "national independence takes priority over class struggle"