secured with a cover or binding; often used as a combining form; "bound volumes"; "leather-bound volumes"
held with another element, substance or material in chemical or physical union
headed or intending to head in a certain direction; often used as a combining form as in `college-bound students'; "children bound for school"; "a flight destined for New York"
an anatomical structure used as a point of origin in locating other anatomical structures (as in surgery) or as point from which measurements can be taken
a mark showing the boundary of a piece of land
an event marking a unique or important historical change of course or one on which important developments depend; "the agreement was a watershed in the history of both nations"
the position of a prominent or well-known object in a particular landscape; "the church steeple provided a convenient landmark"
marked by immorality; deviating from what is considered right or proper or good; "depraved criminals"; "a perverted sense of loyalty"; "the reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat"
appoint to a clerical posts; "he was ordained in the Church"
invest with ministerial or priestly authority; "The minister was ordained only last month"
order by virtue of superior authority; decree; "The King ordained the persecution and expulsion of the Jews"; "the legislature enacted this law in 1985"
be left; of persons, questions, problems, results, evidence, etc.; "There remains the question of who pulled the trigger"; "Carter remains the only President in recent history under whose Presidency the U.S. did not fight a war"
mark with a stigma or stigmata; "They wanted to stigmatize the adulteress"
to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful; "He denounced the government action"; "She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock"
completely lacking nobility in character or quality or purpose; "something cowardly and ignoble in his attitude"; "I think it a less evil that some criminals should escape than that the government should play an ignoble part"- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
not of the nobility; "of ignoble (or ungentle) birth"; "untitled civilians"
make (alcohol) unfit for drinking without impairing usefulness for other purposes
modify (as a native protein) especially by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are removed or diminished
add nonfissionable material to (fissionable material) so as to make unsuitable for use in an atomic bomb
have care of or look after; "She tends to the children"
have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined; "She tends to be nervous before her lectures"; "These dresses run small"; "He inclined to corpulence"