freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort; "he rose through the ranks with apparent ease"; "they put it into containers for ease of transportation"; "the very easiness of the deed held her back"
freedom from constraint or embarrassment; "I am never at ease with strangers"
a freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state; "a life of luxury and ease"; "he had all the material comforts of this world"
move gently or carefully; "He eased himself into the chair"
the state of being free of suspicion; "investigation showed that he was in the clear"
of complexion; without such blemishes as e.g. acne; "the clear complexion of a healthy young woman"
clear to the mind; "a clear and present danger"; "a clear explanation"; "a clear case of murder"; "a clear indication that she was angry"; "gave us a clear idea of human nature"
free from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through; "clear water"; "clear plastic bags"; "clear glass"; "the air is clear and clean"
free from confusion or doubt; "a complex problem requiring a clear head"; "not clear about what is expected of us"
free from clouds or mist or haze; "on a clear day"
characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving; "clear mind"; "a percipient author"
clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible; "as clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"; "a spire clean-cut against the sky"; "a clear-cut pattern"
(especially of a title) free from any encumbrance or limitation that presents a question of fact or law; "I have clear title to this property"
easily deciphered
clear of charges or deductions; "a clear profit"
affording free passage or view; "a clear view"; "a clear path to victory"; "open waters"; "the open countryside"
free from flaw or blemish or impurity; "a clear perfect diamond"
characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts (especially guilt); "a clear conscience"; "regarded her questioner with clear untroubled eyes"
completely; "read the book clear to the end"; "slept clear through the night"; "there were open fields clear to the horizon"
free (the throat) by making a rasping sound; "Clear the throat"
remove; "clear the leaves from the lawn"; "Clear snow from the road"
make a way or path by removing objects; "Clear a path through the dense forest"
remove the occupants of; "Clear the building"
remove (people) from a building; "clear the patrons from the theater after the bomb threat"
rid of instructions or data; "clear a memory buffer"
make clear, bright, light, or translucent; "The water had to be cleared through filtering"
make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear; "Could you clarify these remarks?"; "Clear up the question of who is at fault"
settle, as of a debt; "clear a debt"; "solve an old debt"
pass an inspection or receive authorization; "clear customs"
pass by, over, or under without making contact; "the balloon cleared the tree tops"
go away or disappear; "The fog cleared in the afternoon"
sell; "We cleared a lot of the old model cars"
be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts; "The check will clear within 2 business days"
clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.; "clear the water before it can be drunk"
free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment; "Clear the ship and let it dock"
characterized by a high degree or intensity; often used as a combining form; "the questioning was intensive"; "intensive care"; "research-intensive"; "a labor-intensive industry"
of agriculture; intended to increase productivity of a fixed area by expending more capital and labor; "intensive agriculture"; "intensive conditions"
tending to give force or emphasis; "an intensive adverb"
an official form on which a request in made; "first you have to fill out the requisition"
the act of requiring; an authoritative request or demand, especially by a military or public authority that takes something over (usually temporarily) for military or public use
make a formal request for official services
demand and take for use or service, especially by military or public authority for public service
the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property
the removal of an opponent's piece from the chess board
the act of taking of a person by force
any process in which an atomic or nuclear system acquires an additional particle
a process whereby a star or planet holds an object in its gravitational field
capture as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping; "I caught a rabbit in the trap toady"
succeed in representing or expressing something intangible; "capture the essence of Spring"; "capture an idea"
attract; cause to be enamored; "She captured all the men's hearts"
bring about the capture of an elementary particle or celestial body and causing it enter a new orbit; "This nucleus has captured the slow-moving neutrons"; "The star captured a comet"