put an end to; kill; "The Nazis snuffed out the life of many Jewish children"
put out, as of fires, flames, or lights; "Too big to be extinguished at once, the forest fires at best could be contained"; "quench the flames"; "snuff out the candles"
a major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights
extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use; "the family owned a large estate on Long Island"
everything you own; all of your assets (whether real property or personal property) and liabilities
assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group; "he wanted his share in cash"
any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate; "he bought 100 shares of IBM at the market price"
communicate; "I'd like to share this idea with you"
give out as one's portion or share
use jointly or in common
have in common; "Our children share a love of music"; "The two countries share a long border"
an animal that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that can fertilize female gametes (ova)
the capital of Maldives in the center of the islands
a person who belongs to the sex that cannot have babies
being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that perform the fertilizing function in generation; "a male infant"; "a male holly tree"
for or pertaining to or composed of men or boys; "the male lead"; "the male population"
characteristic of a man; "a deep male voice"; "manly sports"
hostile to or disruptive of normal standards of social behavior; "criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is antisocial"; "crimes...and other asocial behavior"; "an antisocial deed"
shunning contact with others; "standoffish and antisocial"; "he's not antisocial; just shy"
a splendid assemblage (especially of famous people)
(astronomy) a collection of star systems; any of the billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust; "`extragalactic nebula' is a former name for `galaxy'"