transfer; "The spy sent the classified information off to Russia"
to cause or order to be taken, directed, or transmitted to another place; "He had sent the dispatches downtown to the proper people and had slept"
cause to go somewhere; "The explosion sent the car flying in the air"; "She sent her children to camp"; "He directed all his energies into his dissertation"
formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure; "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She abjured her beliefs"
children take the roles of physician or patient or nurse and pretend they are at the physician's office; "the children explored each other's bodies by playing the game of doctor"
a licensed medical practitioner; "I felt so bad I went to see my doctor"
a person who holds Ph.D. degree (or the equivalent) from an academic institution; "she is a doctor of philosophy in physics"
prevent from being included or considered or accepted; "The bad results were excluded from the report"; "Leave off the top piece"
prevent from entering; shut out; "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"; "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country"
lack or fail to include; "The cost for the trip excludes food and beverages"