deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
make a victim of; "I was victimized by this con-man"
occur between other event or between certain points of time; "the war intervened between the birth of her two children"
get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force; "Why did the U.S. not intervene earlier in WW II?"
be placed or located between other things or extend between spaces and events; "This interludes intervenes between the two movements"; "Eight days intervened"
a former instrument of punishment consisting of a heavy timber frame with holes in which the feet (and sometimes the hands) of an offender could be locked
a frame for constraining an animal while it is receiving veterinary attention or while being shod
a frame that supports a boat while it is under construction
(chess) a piece that can be moved diagonally over unoccupied squares of the same color
port wine mulled with oranges and cloves
a clergyman having spiritual and administrative authority; appointed in Christian churches to oversee priests or ministers; considered in some churches to be successors of the twelve apostles of Christ