consisting of or containing or of the nature of crystals; "granite is crystalline"
transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity; "the cold crystalline water of melted snow"; "crystal clear skies"; "could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool"; "lucid air"; "a pellucid brook"; "transparent crystal"
distinctly or sharply outlined; "crystalline sharpness of outline"- John Buchan
the superior one of two alternatives; "chose the better of the two"
a superior person having claim to precedence; "the common man has been kept in his place by his betters"
(comparative of `good') superior to another (of the same class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability; more highly skilled than another; "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din"; "a better coat"; "a better type of car"; "a suit with a better fit"; "a better chance of success"; "produced a better mousetrap"; "she's better in math than in history"
(comparative of `good') changed for the better in health or fitness; "her health is better now"; "I feel better"
more than half; "argued for the better part of an hour"
comparative of `well'; in a better or more excellent manner or more advantageously or attractively or to a greater degree etc.; "She had never sung better"; "a deed better left undone"; "better suited to the job"
from a position of superiority or authority; "father knows best"; "I know better."
get better; "The weather improved toward evening"
to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"
surpass in excellence; "She bettered her own record"; "break a record"
clearly characterized or delimited; "lost in a maze of words both defined and undefined"; "each child has clearly defined duties"
clearly defined; "I have no formed opinion about the chances of success"
showing clearly the outline or profile or boundary; "hills defined against the evening sky"; "the setting sun showed the outlined figure of a man standing on the hill"