a section or portion of a journey or course; "then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise"
a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience; "he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box"
a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination
the theater as a profession (usually `the stage'); "an early movie simply showed a long kiss by two actors of the contemporary stage"
any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something; "All the world's a stage"--Shakespeare; "it set the stage for peaceful negotiations"
plan, organize, and carry out (an event); "the neighboring tribe staged an invasion"
perform (a play), especially on a stage; "we are going to stage `Othello'"
a general course along which something has a tendency to develop; "I couldn't follow the direction of his thoughts"; "his ideals determined the direction of his career"; "they proposed a new direction for the firm"
a message describing how something is to be done; "he gave directions faster than she could follow them"
a line leading to a place or point; "he looked the other direction"; "didn't know the way home"
the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves; "he checked the direction and velocity of the wind"
reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress; "She arrived home at 7 o'clock"; "She didn't get to Chicago until after midnight"
succeed in a big way; get to the top; "After he published his book, he had arrived"; "I don't know whether I can make it in science!"; "You will go far, my boy!"
come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; "I feel that he doesn't like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"; "I found the movie rather entertaining"
succeed in reaching; arrive at; "The arrow found its mark"
perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place; "I found myself in a difficult situation"; "When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital room"
obtain through effort or management; "She found the time and energy to take care of her aging parents"; "We found the money to send our sons to college"
come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"
come upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost; "Did you find your glasses?"; "I cannot find my gloves!"