harmonious arrangement or relation of parts or elements within a whole (as in a design); "in all perfectly beautiful objects there is found the opposition of one part to another and a reciprocal balance"- John Ruskin
magnitude or extent; "a building of vast proportions"
the quotient obtained when the magnitude of a part is divided by the magnitude of the whole
adjust in size relative to other things
give pleasant proportions to; "harmonize a building with those surrounding it"
a fertilizer that is derived from animal or vegetable matter
involving or affecting physiology or bodily organs; "an organic disease"
simple and healthful and close to nature; "an organic lifestyle"
relating or belonging to the class of chemical compounds having a carbon basis; "hydrocarbons are organic compounds"
being or relating to or derived from or having properties characteristic of living organisms; "organic life"; "organic growth"; "organic remains found in rock"
of or relating to foodstuff grown or raised without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides or hormones; "organic eggs"; "organic vegetables"; "organic chicken"
of or relating to or derived from living organisms; "organic soil"
distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose; "I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis"; "I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip"
an establishment consisting of a building or complex of buildings where an organization for the promotion of some cause is situated
a custom that for a long time has been an important feature of some group or society; "the institution of marriage"; "the institution of slavery"; "he had become an institution in the theater"
an organization founded and united for a specific purpose
an administrative unit of government; "the Central Intelligence Agency"; "the Census Bureau"; "Office of Management and Budget"; "Tennessee Valley Authority"
the state of being in action or exerting power; "the agency of providence"; "she has free agency"