loaded to excess or impeded by a heavy load; "a summer resort...encumbered with great clapboard-and-stucco hotels"- A.J.Liebling; "a hiker encumbered with a heavy backpack"; "an encumbered estate"
lost in thought; showing preoccupation; "an absent stare"; "an absentminded professor"; "the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence"
unfamiliar; "new experiences"; "experiences new to him"; "errors of someone new to the job"
having no previous example or precedent or parallel; "a time of unexampled prosperity"
(of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity; "new potatoes"; "young corn"
in use after medieval times; "New Eqyptian was the language of the 18th to 21st dynasties"
not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered; "a new law"; "new cars"; "a new comet"; "a new friend"; "a new year"; "the New World"
unaffected by use or exposure; "it looks like new"
(of a baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter; "the pitch was away (or wide)"; "an outside pitch"
used of an opponent's ground; "an away game"
from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete); "ran away from the lion"; "wanted to get away from there"; "sent the children away to boarding school"; "the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal"; "went off to school"; "they drove off"; "go forth and preach"
from one's possession; "he gave out money to the poor"; "gave away the tickets"
out of existence; "the music faded away"; "tried to explain away the affair of the letter"- H.E.Scudder; "idled the hours away"; "her fingernails were worn away"
indicating continuing action; continuously or steadily; "he worked away at the project for more than a year"; "the child kept hammering away as if his life depended on it"
in a different direction; "turn aside"; "turn away one's face"; "glanced away"
in or into a proper place (especially for storage or safekeeping); "put the toys away"; "her jewels are locked away in a safe"; "filed the letter away"
so as to be removed or gotten rid of; "cleared the mess away"; "the rotted wood had to be cut away"
a grant made by a law court; "he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court"
a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; "an award for bravery"
give, especially as an honor or reward; "bestow honors and prizes at graduation"
give as judged due or on the basis of merit; "the referee awarded a free kick to the team"; "the jury awarded a million dollars to the plaintiff";"Funds are granted to qualified researchers"
support oneself; "he could barely exist on such a low wage"; "Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?"; "Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day"
work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function; "He is a herpetologist"; "She is our resident philosopher"
have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
have life, be alive; "Our great leader is no more"; "My grandfather lived until the end of war"
be identical to; be someone or something; "The president of the company is John Smith"; "This is my house"
occupy a certain position or area; be somewhere; "Where is my umbrella?" "The toolshed is in the back"; "What is behind this behavior?"
to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted -- used only in infinitive form; "let her be"
happen, occur, take place; "I lost my wallet; this was during the visit to my parents' house"; "There were two hundred people at his funeral"; "There was a lot of noise in the kitchen"
something that causes or entails suffering; "I cannot think it a hardship that more indulgence is allowed to men than to women"- James Boswell; "the many hardships of frontier life"
come into sight or view; "He suddenly appeared at the wedding"; "A new star appeared on the horizon"
come into being or existence, or appear on the scene; "Then the computer came along and changed our lives"; "Homo sapiens appeared millions of years ago"
be issued or published; "Did your latest book appear yet?"; "The new Woody Allen film hasn't come out yet"
appear as a character on stage or appear in a play, etc.; "Gielgud appears briefly in this movie"; "She appeared in `Hamlet' on the London stage"
seem to be true, probable, or apparent; "It seems that he is very gifted"; "It appears that the weather in California is very bad"
present oneself formally, as before a (judicial) authority; "He had to appear in court last month"; "She appeared on several charges of theft"