to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds; "Scientists supposed that large dinosaurs lived in swamps"
talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion; "We were speculating whether the President had to resign after the scandal"
invest at a risk; "I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating"
the solid part of the earth's surface; "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground"
material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use); "the land had never been plowed"; "good agricultural soil"
United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one-step photographic process (1909-1991)
the land on which real estate is located; "he built the house on land leased from the city"
reach or come to rest; "The bird landed on the highest branch"; "The plane landed in Istanbul"
cause to come to the ground; "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely"
arrive on shore; "The ship landed in Pearl Harbor"
bring ashore; "The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island"
deliver (a blow); "He landed several blows on his opponent's head"
be the successor (of); "Carter followed Ford"; "Will Charles succeed to the throne?"
attain success or reach a desired goal; "The enterprise succeeded"; "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show"; "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"