(computer science) a program that translates and executes source language statements one line at a time
someone who mediates between speakers of different languages
someone who uses art to represent something; "his paintings reveal a sensitive interpreter of nature"; "she was famous as an interpreter of Shakespearean roles"
concerned with effect or style of writing and speaking; "a rhetorical question is one asked solely to produce an effect (especially to make an assertion) rather than to elicit a reply"
of or relating to rhetoric; "accepted two or three verbal and rhetorical changes I suggested"- W.A.White; "the rhetorical sin of the meaningless variation"- Lewis Mumford
a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter; "he threw a rock at me"
(figurative) someone who is strong and stable and dependable; "he was her rock during the crisis"; "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church"--Gospel According to Matthew
United States gynecologist and devout Catholic who conducted the first clinical trials of the oral contraceptive pill (1890-1984)
material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust; "that mountain is solid rock"; "stone is abundant in New England and there are many quarries"
move back and forth or sideways; "the ship was rocking"; "the tall building swayed"; "She rocked back and forth on her feet"
cause to move back and forth; "rock the cradle"; "rock the baby"; "the wind swayed the trees gently"
a stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated in the mouth; fixation at this stage is said to result in dependence, selfishness, and aggression
of or involving the mouth or mouth region or the surface on which the mouth is located; "the oral cavity"; "the oral mucous membrane"; "the oral surface of a starfish"
using speech rather than writing; "an oral tradition"; "an oral agreement"
of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth; "oral hygiene"; "an oral thermometer"; "an oral vaccine"
(often followed by `to') devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person; "a fund sacred to charity"; "a morning hour sacred to study"; "a private office sacred to the President"
concerned with religion or religious purposes; "sacred texts"; "sacred rites"; "sacred music"
worthy of respect or dedication; "saw motherhood as woman's sacred calling"
suitable to or characteristic of drama; "a dramatic entrance in a swirling cape"; "a dramatic rescue at sea"
sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect; "a dramatic sunset"; "a dramatic pause"; "a spectacular display of northern lights"; "it was a spectacular play"; "his striking good looks always created a sensation"
used of a singer or singing voice that is marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style; "a dramatic tenor"; "a dramatic soprano"
pertaining to or characteristic of drama; "dramatic arts"
the act of scoring in a game or sport; "the winning score came with less than a minute left to play"
the facts about an actual situation; "he didn't know the score"
a written form of a musical composition; parts for different instruments appear on separate staves on large pages; "he studied the score of the sonata"
a set of twenty members; "a score were sent out but only one returned"
grounds; "don't do it on my account"; "the paper was rejected on account of its length"; "he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful"
a number that expresses the accomplishment of a team or an individual in a game or contest; "the score was 7 to 0"
a slight surface cut (especially a notch that is made to keep a tally)
an amount due (as at a restaurant or bar); "add it to my score and I'll settle later"
make underscoring marks
gain points in a game; "The home team scored many times"; "He hit a home run"; "He hit .300 in the past season"
get a certain number or letter indicating quality or performance; "She scored high on the SAT"; "He scored a 200"
make small marks into the surface of; "score the clay before firing it"